
Eamonn & Jack is a lifestyle blog written and edited by Michelle. It’s focus is anything that helps to create a beautiful home – be it design, DIY, crafts or food.

Comments on this blog are very welcome but as my friends and family read this blog let’s keep it friendly. Any comments that are found to be overly negative or inappropriate will be deleted. Really disliked what I shared with you? Tell me, but keep it polite.

Eamonn & Jack  contains paid banner advertisements that are generated and managed by a 3rd party network. Eamonn & Jack also welcomes partnerships with brands through sponsored posts, giveaways, advertising and more. Contact me for more info.

Sponsored Posts
Any sponsored posts will be clearly indicated and will contain a direct link back to the sponsor’s website. All sponsored posts will be written by me - I don’t accept guest authors for posts that are sponsored.

Eamonn & Jack is part of the affiliate network for Amazon Services LLC and Shopstyle Collective.  By clicking on and/or purchasing items via some links on this site I may receive a tiny commission that helps pay for hosting this site. I pledge to only use affiliate links on items I actually use/enjoy/want.

Disclaimer of Liability
Any opinions expressed on this website are mine alone based on my own experiences. I assume no liability for any loss or damage, nor the results achieved should you use any of the information I share. Any information contained within this blog is as I understand it to be on the date of publication, but I assume no liability if it is incorrect.

Trademark and Copyright
Unless I state otherwise, all the text, content, ideas, and photos on this blog belong to me. I am the legal copyright holder, and all rights are reserved. You are welcome to share items contained on this blog as long as you provide a link back to the originating page on this blog, and the link contains the full name of ‘Eamonn & Jack′. The content on this blog cannot be published, copied, or reprinted without my express written permission. Any unauthorized use of the material contained on this blog is prohibited. All Material is copyright protected. All rights reserved.

The policies on this page are subject to change without notice.

Please contact me if you have any other questions.

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